Niels van Quaquebekeand Steffen Giessner of the Rotterdam School of Management showed logos of 100 Global 500 companies to two groups of participants. One group rated them on attractiveness and symmetry; the other judged whether the logo suggested that the company behaved ethically. The result: Rationally or not, people associate symmetrical logos with more ethical, socially responsible behavior. source: via: iamjustcreative Thoughts : All kind of symmetry and mirror images are welcomed by the viewer. This is also the main motive plastic surgeons present to future customers – to make you “symmetrical”. Every designer knows that there is no absolute symmetry in nature. Perhaps this is why people like it so much… and associate with it with positive things. If you are a photographer and you are paying attention what photos in the photo forums are liked most – you’ll see my point. Here are some more samples of famous mirrored/symmetrical logos: If you pay attention to details you will notice that some of these logos no longer exist. Adidas, Egypt, Pepsi, Scribd, Symantec, The Library of Congress – they are all using new asymmetrical logos now. Maybe the next move for Starbucks will be to make their logo asymmetrical, too. Nike […]